ePages integration setup

This guide describes how sales orders, shipments, inventory, returns, and cancellations are synchronized between Afosto and ePages.


For the ePages integration, three things are needed: store name (found in the URL: https://[your-website-here].beyondshop.cloud/cockpit/login, the "your-website-here" part), a client ID, and a client secret.

These client ID and client secret can be created via the ePages dashboard: Apps > Eigene Apps > Eigene App hinzufügen.

In the form that appears, a recognizable name for the app must be entered. Enter "Afosto" here. The "Application Callback URL" can be left blank.

The following "App scopes" are required:

  • Produckte lesen (prod)
  • Produktverfügbarkeit lesen (prda)
  • Produktverfügbarkeit aktualisieren (prda)
  • Bestellungen lesen (ordr)
  • Bestelldaten aktualisieren (ordr)
  • Versandprozesse erstellen (shpr)
  • Versandprozesse lesen (shpr)
  • Versandprozesse aktualisieren (shpr)

Then save this selection by clicking "Speichern". A new section "Client credentials" will appear where you can copy the client_id and client_secret.

Pre-configurations in Afosto

Several things need to be set up in Afosto beforehand:

  • Sales channel
  • One or more locations to map with the locations in ePages

Integration Steps

Under My organization > Apps > Orders > ePages, find the ePages app. Click on it and then click on add.

Enter the above client_id and client_secret. Also, enter your store name (found in the URL: https://[your-website-here].beyondshop.cloud/cockpit/login, the "your-website-here" part).

In the next step, "Synchronize" must be checked for the elements you want to synchronize.

How the synchronization from ePages to Afosto works

Every 5 minutes, Afosto retrieves all orders created after the date set in the integration. These orders are used to run several processes:

  • Active orders are imported as orders in Afosto.
  • Canceled orders are imported as cancellations in Afosto.
  • Shipped orders are imported as shipments in Afosto.
  • Returned orders are imported as returns in Afosto.

How the synchronization from Afosto to ePages works

  • Cancellations: When an item is canceled in Afosto, it will also be canceled in ePages within a few seconds.
  • Returns: When an item is accepted or rejected as a return in Afosto, it is marked as returned within a few seconds. If a return is accepted, it is marked as a "return" in ePages, and if rejected, it is marked as "Defect" in ePages.
  • Shipments: When a package is marked as shipped in Afosto, it will be marked as shipped in ePages within a few seconds. The same applies to a product ready for pickup. When a package is delivered or picked up in Afosto, it will be marked as such in ePages within a few seconds.
  • Inventory: When the inventory in Afosto is adjusted through a manual or automatic process, it is updated in ePages within a few seconds.